Free Stub Acme Thread Note Calculator

Click here to download free Stub Acme/Acme Thread Calculator

This post is aimed at anyone that needs to calculate quickly the Major, Minor and Pitch diameters for a single start Stub Acme thread. As an engineer, this is the fastest way to generate note call-outs on drawings without any typos. The forumlas shown could also be used by anyone else that needs Stub Acme dimensions for something. Continue reading

Autocad and Autohotkey – How to speed up your workflow

Many of us still use Autocad for editing old drawings, charted drawings and layouts. The Autocad visual interface can be time consuming to click through the menus even for something simple like changing an object to a different layer. Repetitive actions like blocking every part in a new layout or constantly switching between layers 0 and DIM while editing a drawing make this pain evident. Continue reading